We would like to welcome you to the official website of St. Nicholas Cathedral. St. Nicholas is the mother Cathedral and seat of the Metropolitan of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. It is also the first community established by St. Raphael of Brooklyn in 1895. 2024 marks the 129th anniversary of our establishment by St. Raphael. If you would like more information, feel free to contact Father Thomas Zain, the Cathedral's Dean.
Attached is the 2024 version of our Cathedral brochure that we give our to visitors. Click here to view the brochure and feel free to share it with others.
Once again, St. Nicholas Cathedral is honored to host the annual Pan-Orthodox Sunday of Orthodoxy Vesper Service. This year's service will take place as usual on the first Sunday of the Great Fast, March 9, 2025 at 5:00pm at the Cathedral. We look forward to seeing you there. The guest speaker is the Very Rev. Dr. Bogdan Bocur, Associate Professof of Patristics at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary. The title of his talk will be "The iconographer and his troubled icon". Fr. Bogdan will also join us for the Divine Liturgy that morning.
In addition to the area's clergy, we look forward to welcoming all of our fellow Orthodox brothers and sisters to the Cathedral for this annual celebration of our faith.
For directions, please see the appropriate link on our home page. Please click here for the flier with more details.
The following is the schedule of services for the Great Fast (excluding the regular Sunday Divine Liturgies) that begins on Monday, March 3 (actually sunset on the evening of March 2). Please use this as a guide for the times of the services. There are also some other minor changes this year like the Feast of the Annunication on March 25th which is a Tuesday this year. Please remember that we will have our weekly Friday night Lenten potlucks at 6:30pm prior to the Madeyeh (Akathist) services. We will post the Holy Week and Pascha schedule closer to Holy Week.
Please join our new text reminder group for last minute notifications, changes of schedules, deaths, etc. This will be used sparingly. Please send a text to 81010 to join and put the following in the body of the messge:
You can now download a list of the Cathedral departed that used to be printed in the monthly newsletter. We are making it available in this format in order to save printing costs. If you find any omissions or mistakes in the name/date of death of your departed loved one, please email Fr. Thomas at stnickcathedral@icloud.com to have it corrected. The attached file is current as of January 2025.
Click here to download the file sorted by date