St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral
Brooklyn, New York
كاتدرائية القديس نقولاوس العجائبي الأنطاكية الأرثوذكسية
بروكلين، يورك
Altar Servers - Young boys and teens between the ages of 7 and 18, are invited to serve in the Cathedral Altar each Sunday and at all liturgical services. They are trained by the Cathedral clergy and the more senior members of the Altar Servers to minister in a unique way, unlike other ministries in the Church.
Church School and PTA - "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This quote from the Holy Scripture describes our philosophy on religious education. Church School classes are held every Sunday from September to June, immediately following the reception of Holy Communion in the Divine Liturgy. Our superintendent, staff and teachers are devoted to their task of sound education in the Orthodox Faith. The Church School Guild is the helping and social arm of the Church School. Thus the parents and the teachers come together when necessary to plan and execute the social gatherings and spiritual activities of the children.
Hamelat El-Teeb (Myrrh-Bearing Women) Society - The Hamelat El Teeb, Arabic for "The Myrrh Bearing Women", is an organization of our Cathedral for our devoted and energetic women. Theirs is a service of love for church and community since 1917. They concentrate on religious, cultural and humanitarian efforts in their activities as defined by their parent organization of the Archdiocese - the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Women of North America, Eastern Region (AOCWNA). They are the very heart of the Cathedral.
Other Organizations - St. Nicholas Cathedral has a ministry to the poor and the homeless. We collect canned goods to distribute to the poor who come to our Cathedral doors for a handout. We also collect clothing for the homeless. Individuals from the parish are asked by the Dean to help in these programs from time to time.
Parish Council - The Parish Council is composed of the Dean and dedicated men and women elected or appointed to administer the affairs of St. Nicholas Cathedral in accordance with its Constitution and by-laws. In addition, representatives of all the adult church organizations are members of the Parish Council. Structured by Robert's Rules of Order, it is very similar to the workings of the American Congress. However there is one vast difference: our Congress is governed by Democracy; our Parish Council is governed by Theocracy. Our governing head is Jesus Christ, represented in the person of the Primate of the Archdiocese. That is why we have certain criteria in the selection of people to serve on the Parish Council. Under our constitution, our Parish Council administrates! You, the Body of Christ, legislate. They advise - you consent! We are very fortunate to have men and women to serve on our Parish Council who are dedicated Orthodox Christians and who sacrifice their time, talents, and resources for the Church. In an effort to keep you informed and aware of church activities and Parish Council decisions, we endeavor to publish information in the Sunday Bulletin and the monthly Cathedral Newsletter (September through June). The Parish Council shares the responsibility with the Dean of the Cathedral for the well-being and spiritual progress of the entire parish. The ministry of the clergy and laity often overlap. It is incumbent then that there be mutual respect for each other's particular sphere of influence and ability. All members of the Parish Council should consult and reason with each other as the best means to serve the present and future needs of their communicants. This is absolutely necessary for the good of the church community. It is further incumbent upon them to lead and to show the way by example in any and all undertakings on behalf of the parish. Every Parish Council member should be the example of perfect church attendance, frequently partake in the sacraments, participate in the social and fundraising projects and exemplify proper stewardship according to one's ability. No Parish Council member should expect their communicants to participate in any activity relative to the life and well-being of the parish without first themselves taking an active part in showing the way. Whatever is done by the Parish Council should be in harmony with accepted Christian behavior and practice. In that the Parish Council is the mirror of the parish as it generally reflects the interest of the entire Orthodox Christian community, it is then evident how necessary and important can be their influence and role in the life of the Church.
SOYO (Society of Orthodox Youth Organizations) - This organization of the Cathedral is for teenagers but also encourages pre-teens to get involved in preparation for their teen years. Their activities include an annual retreat and camping at the Antiochian Village. Their biggest fund raisers to support their programs are the annual Christmas Card project and bake sales. They are encouraged to participate in the annual Regional Parish Life Conference and the two delegates' meetings of the Eastern Region.
St. Nicholas Liturgical Choir, Chanters and Readers -

"A church without a choir is like a body without a soul." Our Cathedral Liturgical Choir is the soul of our church. They sing at most liturgical services the traditional Byzantine music of the Orthodox Church. There is hope that as our choir grows in membership, so too it will grow in its commitment to other sacramental services (such as weddings), a Christmas Concert, Conference Choir festivals and the Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers. Our choir director and members are most faithful in their love and devotion to the Church and for that we are grateful. The Church affords us other ministries in the life of its members. One of these is unique to trained singers - that of the Church Chanter. One must have a pleasing voice, be trained in Byzantine music and have the blessing of the Metropolitan and/or the parish clergy before one can become a chanter in the Church. The same holds true for a church reader. One must be properly trained in liturgical reading before one can be blessed in this ministry.





9:20 Orthros (Matins)
10:30 Divine Liturgy
5:00pm Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers
Fast: wine & oil




7:00pm Great Compline

St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral
355 State Street; Brooklyn, NY 11217-1705
Detailed Map

Parish News
  • New Cathedral Brochure
    Attached is the 2024 version of our Cathedral brochure that we give our to visitors. Click here to view the brochure and feel free to share it with others.     
  • St. Nicholas Notification Text Group
    Please join our new text reminder group for last minute notifications, changes of schedules, deaths, etc. This will be used sparingly. Please send a text to 81010 to join and put the following in the

St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral
355 State Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217-1705
(718) 855-6225 (Phone)
(718) 855-3608 (Fax)


Mailing List

If you would like to join our mailing list to be notified of upcoming events, schedule changes or cancellations, deaths in the parish, etc. please fill out the following form.

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